

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Office of District Education officer, Saharsa : Counselling schedule for Headmaster, Head Teacher, School Teacher (TRE-03), Special Teacher (Sakshamta-02) who were not appeared earlier

Office of District Education officer, Saharsa : Counselling schedule for Headmaster, Head Teacher, School Teacher (TRE-03), Special Teacher (Sakshamta-02) who were not appeared earlier

13/03/2025 26/03/2025 View (820 KB)
C.D.P.O. Office, Kahra Sadar, Saharsa : Provisional merit list based on the applications received for selection to the post of Creche Worker and Assistant Creche Worker at Anganwadi Centre-cum- Creche

C.D.P.O. Office, Kahra Sadar, Saharsa : Provisional merit list based on the applications received for selection to the post of Creche Worker and Assistant Creche Worker at Anganwadi Centre-cum- Creche

16/12/2024 10/12/2025 View (2 MB)